Applications should include i) a formal cover letter, indicating the specific level for which applying, ii) a comprehensive curriculum vitae, iii) a two-page summary of career highlights that outlines education, publications, teaching and community engagement (this will be made available to the department as a whole), and iv) the contact details of three academic referees. Internal employees are invited to apply directly on Oracle by following the path: iWits /Self Service application/Apply for a job External applicants are invited to apply, by registering a profile on the Wits i-recruitment platform located at and submitting your application. *The University is committed to employment equity. Preference may be given to appointable applicants from the under-represented designated groups in terms of the relevant employment equity plans and policies of the University. Designated groups as defined in the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, as amended, means black people, women and people with disabilities. WITS Employment Equity Policy: Closing Date: 02 August 2024 Please note that only applications via the website will be considered for shortlisting. The University reserves the right to verify all information provided by candidates and to verify credit standing. Please note that correspondence will only be entered into with short-listed candidates. The University reserves the right not to make an appointment or to re-advertise. |